Which Doctor or Witch Doctor?

Bruce 8/13/2023

For those who like hearing the future before it occurs, here is a new abbreviation: RSV. You will hear more about RSV soon with the next scamdemic. In fact, our friends at Pfizer already have a web page called: bewareRSV.com.

Now RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, which according to recent TV commercials ALREADY has a “cure”, courtesy of our Big Pharma friends, Pfizer and Smith-GlaxoKlein. Now since no one has heard of RSV before, it is time for a quick micro-biological update. RSV was isolated from Chimpanzees in 1956, oddly, it is a single strand RNA virus of moderate size (about 150nm), so like COVID it can pass through the Democrat approved paper mask like a fly through a chain-link fence. Now before the official panic is created, we are assured that it cannot participate in “antigenic shifts or result in large scale pandemics”.  Of course, the same document that tells us that ALSO tells us a typical infection progression is from 1 person to, on average, 5-25 persons! Now whoever wrote that line may not recognize that such an exponential increase in infections is a sure-fire rate of infection that DOES cause pandemics.  Well science is not the main forte of Wiki articles; they just print what the master says to print and do so anonymously!

We are also warned that RSV is particularly bad for, wait for it,… older adults and children, the exact same population groups as the COVID model!

Now in order to “Outdo yesterday”, Pfizer is already selling “prophylactic, monoclonal antibody treatments” like Palivizumab, Nirsevimab and of course for “the children” Ribavirin. Bear in mind, these, like, THE JAB” are not stated to be cures, just prophylaxis or “preventative medicines”.

Of course, the propaganda also tells us that RSV has always been around and is typically governed by “seasons” in the northern climates, sort of like a “flu-season,” but that it has an extended season in Florida.  Well, I guess that just makes sense since it was originally a Chimp disease and Chimps would like living in Florida rather than Minnesota. It is interesting to note a that AIDs was also a Simian disease, but hey that’s a different story, more related to Monkey-Pox which seems to have disappeared from the “news” entirely without any treatments!

I guess it is also a coincidence that RSV is technically a Human Orthopneumovirus, (Acid lung virus) the kind that SEEMS to be prevalent in hospitals and nursing homes.  Wait a minute, wasn’t COVID also spread rapidly through nursing homes in New York when THEIR Democrat governor put infected patients in the same living areas as the aged and infirm, hmmmmm?

Well for those challenged by Latin, I might also mention that an Ortho-pneumo-virus, equates to the common virus family called; Pneumonia. Specifically, viral caused Pneumonia, something that has ALWAYS been around and probably always will be, but hey, doesn’t RSV sound more interesting that something your GRANDMOTHER warned you about?  So, ask yourself sometime, Which doctor do you listen to and if so, also ask yourself, are they also a WITCH Doctor as well?  If you are confused by all of this, just be assured, Pfizer is busy making billions in their new effort to “Outdo Yesterday”.

Inconvenient Truth #2990: 

M. Gale, 6/24/2023

     Is nothing sacred anymore?  Now they are going after “gas” appliances in the home to reduce “methane” contamination around our planet.

What’s NEXT?  Here’s the article I read this morning:


These booger eatin’ morons can kiss my grits.  I’m am constantly amazed by how many people swallow this shit, hook, line, and sinker.  Solar power, wind power, electric power…are touted to be the best “sustainable” energy on any planet in the universe, to the infinite power.  Oh, forget “hydroelectric” power…it denies fish the right to fornicate in their usual and accustomed places.

Does anyone remember when “Eggs” were BAD for you?!!  And then they were GOOD for you again.  Global Warming, er…Climate Change…is bad for you.  In ten years or so, it will be good for you…because we CAN’T REALLY CONTROL OR AFFECT IT…morons.  Anthropogenic Global Warming is a HOAX.  Conservation, recycling, repurposing, and a mental respect for the resources available to us on this orb are a GOOD thing.  Denying them is a STUPID thing…for us, for the planet, for every round object in our Galaxy and the Universe, and is criminally insane.

Inventing Crusades, because we’re bored, to achieve 15 minutes of fame, is a travesty to our existence.  It is a criminal act.  How many people on the planet have perished as a result?  When the crusade doesn’t achieve full potential, we invent another one to dovetail with it…the Plandemic, for example…denying drugs that work and then mandating drugs that kill is.  The purpose?  No, not to reduce the population significantly, but rather to test out new methods of control over the human genome that will ultimately lead to population reduction.

We can follow their instructions and comply or we can simply say “talk to the hand” and go about our merry way.  Yes, they will attempt to overcome our resistance with rules, regulations, and mandates.  That is their M.O.  We don’t have to comply, not if we simply band together as a massive force of nature.  They are dismantling our Rules To Live By (called the Constitution) so why should we comply with it?  Anything they remove allows us the same power or authority.  They whittle down the 1st Amendment to a toothpick should allow us to whittle down Article IV, specifically Section 3 concerning State creation.  Secession didn’t work out so good for Jefferson Davis and the Southern States, but that shouldn’t prohibit us from trying again.  Us, as in the “flyover states”…  Being landlocked by the Socialist coastal zones shouldn’t be a problem for us.  They get salt water, we get fresh water.  They get shipping, we get trucking and rail.  They get fish, we get everything else.  Looks like a win/win to me.  Any current State not into it can become a landlocked state of socialism…kinda like Berlin was.  They can get their shit airlifted in to support their economy and insanity.  I don’t care.

M – Electric power relies on every other form of fuel energy.  Interesting..

What do we do? What can we do?

Bruce 3/23/2023

Several good friends recently asked me, what can we do? In regard to, the current illegal government’s actions on a broad array of abuses and violations of rights that have accelerated during the last year or so. It’s not a simple answer, but here is my summary response.

First, protect your health, the next scamdemic is probably in the mill.  The obvious, no VAX approach is the second-best way to protect yourself, the first involves getting off the sofa and being physically active again.  The obvious second element is a healthy lifestyle of good food and proper nutrition, coupled with a positive attitude towards life. Regardless of my relentless harping on the bad things going on, I am not writing to stir up your ulcers, but to awaken people to the myriad of ways evil is trying to overcome good.

Second: Preserve your own economy.  This means get out of debt, provide a sound financial base to fall back on, store up food, cash and negotiable trade items for a year, purchase durable goods to survive with. If you can become truly self-sufficient in ALL of these things including basic medicine and owning a surplus of consumables, food seed, preserves, dried foods, etc. very little will affect you. Own durable goods that CAN produce income, no matter how bad it might get, other people will ALWAYS need certain work done and will pay for it! There is an old cowboy quote about the great depression, the cowboy said, “depression, what depression, here in the cabin nothing was different in 1930!”

Protect yourself and your friends! This is not just about owning an AR-15 and a case of ammo, it’s about the mental preparation, the self-awareness, and the understanding of YOUR limitations in harsh situations.  While the snowflakes will melt when their cell phones and Amazon shuts down, your life will continue and actually improve as the NPR propaganda stops and you can think clearly again without someone in New York telling you what to think today! If you are watching TV today, just say no and free yourself from the unrelenting BS that covers and distracts you.  This does not mean that you should have a bug-out rig and move to the mountains and live in a yurt, just USE the system’s resources available today and while you can, use them to the evil one’s detriment. Develop REAL friendships, with people you may have to trust with your life and not the local gossips who would turn you in for a can of beer.

Use the resources of the net and “THE WORD” against evil, recruit friends to slam criminal politicians and reveal their dirt, don’t accept negative energy people into you circles, push for truth, justice and the American way, in the face of monumental evil being pushed down our throats. It is not the time to run and hide at the movies or in a bottle or via similar escapes.  Get out and do every day, set some goals you are NOT likely to accomplish “for your age,” or for your “intellect”. Challenging yourself EVERY DAY will change your life. Stop thinking about “it” and do it, a dozen failures create a dozen learning examples as well as self-confidence at overcoming those failures.  Anyone who is successful can name their failures, but those who never fail have never succeeded. Abe Lincoln failed at every business he ever took on, your purpose in life may not ever be revealed unless you step away from the chair and the idiot box. Create a personality that does not recognize the word QUIT.  Become the one bulldog that hangs on to the bull regardless of the outcome. Ferocity in the face of evil is not a vice! History and happiness were NEVER created by the meek, the meek will not inherit the earth, and ONLY the strong will survive here and now, you have been lied to all your life about the nature of reality by those who would manipulate you, change that, starting today.

Wack Jobs running the world

More conclusions on the Wack Jobs running the world

Bruce 12/31/2022

When Adolph Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in the 1930s no one paid attention to what he said about eliminating his enemies. When Bill Gates and Claus Schwab wrote about eliminating half of the population of the world in the near future, once again, no one paid attention to these insane rantings. No one paid attention to Mao’s comments about relocating people to camps, no one paid attention when Josepf Stalin was staying up late at night writing death lists for people being sent to Siberia.

Today and nearly every day, we hear of Trudeau or Biden following CCP orders and banning guns from their citizens, like the Australians and New Zealanders have already done and like EVERY dictator has ALWAYS done before the purges and wholesale deaths. Well, just like London where guns are banned or Chicago where guns are banned, the honest people are being killed wholesale by the criminals supported by illegal governments. How did this happen? It was Lenin who said, “It’s not who casts the votes, but who counts the votes that matters”. The domination of Dominion was bought and paid for by enemies of this Constitution, who now run an illegal government bought and paid for by the use of machines and crooks, working for enigmatic masters hidden behind the curtains.  Lest anyone question this, think to yourself, do you really think that Joe Biden is actually capable of this kind of mass attack on our rights?  No more than your parakeet can comprehend calculus.

Given that the same illegal governments elected by programmed machines are now on a global conquest of any remaining free countries, it is no wonder that they are also getting ready to take off the gloves and move to full blown tyranny.  They tested this in 2020-2021 and are refining it as we speak.

The propaganda machine of the CCP is setting up the news story profiles right now and the CDC is doing their part to usher in another round of “disease” to which there, “must be a cure”. So, we are exactly where we were in 2019, except that, the world has already sustained a major shock to the system by the introduced supply shortage phenomenon as well as efforts by the illegal government to deplete strategic petroleum reserves, as well as ALL other commodities, including processed foods. Is anyone paying attention to the large number of food processing plants that have “caught fire and burned to the ground”? Probably ten times more than the back east printing plant (which printed ballots) that burned to the ground in the fall of 2019.

The illegal apparatus which has now convicted hundreds of innocent people all associated with JUST QUESTIONING the election results, is ready to dissolve, before anyone can ask questions of Pelosi who was in charge of capitol security on JAN 6th! Well at least she is out of the picture now, after claiming $200 MILLION for a gay museum in San Fran, of which, her husband will probably dedicate.

Recognizing that the putty heads who took the JAB will do so again, the “new Omicron mutations”, now MUST show up in the USA so that the deaths CAUSED by the JAB can be attributed to a “new disease variant”, not previously seen here. Funny how the new variant was only seen in China, a country which used the SINOVAC vaccine, which is NOT mRNA based!

Well, with an imploding economy, the concern about fraudulent voting in 2020 AND 2022 is easily eclipsed by a lack of a paycheck, so the Controllers of CHAOS are setting you up for Round II, the sequel. The scary part is that they ALWAYS tell you how they will control you, before they do it!

Inconvenient Truth #2739: 

     When words are morphed, meanings become weapons.

Offered my M. Gale

A share of a share, from the 10th Amendment Center:

When the Constitution was ratified, the word necessary meant, well, necessary. 
But in the dystopian “future” we live under today, words don’t mean what they actually mean. They always mean something else – whatever supporters of the monster state can use to keep expanding centralized power.
In just a few short years after ratification, the word necessary started getting a new definition. 
Alexander Hamilton, recognizing the opposition to his plans for a national bank were strong, had to suddenly do one of the biggest flip-flops in history and start finding “implied powers” in the document. The natural partner to that was that he had to redefine the word necessary into something else, like “convenient” or “useful.”
Thomas Jefferson, of course, opposed this view:
“The Constitution allows only the means which are “necessary,” not those which are merely “convenient” for effecting the enumerated powers.”
James Madison did as well:
Its meaning must, according to the natural and obvious force of the terms and the context, be limited to means necessary to the end and incident to the nature of the specified powers.
Despite the vehement opposition from fellow Virginians like Jefferson, Madison and Edmund Randolph, Pres. George Washington went with Hamilton and signed the bank bill into law.
That established what John Dickinson in 1767 called the “detestable precedent.” Once the government gets a foot in the door with a new power, people should never expect them to voluntarily give it back.
Necessary is Supposed to Mean Necessary
Audio and Video Podcast – with Reference Links Here

The Original Meaning of “Necessary” in the Necessary and Proper Clause
Article Here
Instead, as George Mason warned, they’d always seek to expand that power even further:
“Those who have power in their hands will not give it up while they can retain it. On the contrary we know they will always when they can rather increase it.”
That’s why, in his argument against the Bank in 1791, Thomas Jefferson warned, “To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.”
And we shouldn’t be surprised that Mason, Jefferson – and many others – were right. Instead of a temporary change for a single bank over a specific number of years, the precedent was established that “necessary” no longer meant necessary.
In the 1819 case of McCulloch v Maryland, Chief Justice John Marshall – surprise, surprise – ultimately sided with the Hamiltonian view, writing in his opinion that “If reference be had to its use, in the common affairs of the world, or in approved authors, we find that it frequently imports no more than that one thing is convenient, or useful, or essential to another.”
In some parts of his opinion, he copied Hamilton almost word-for-word. 
But, unlike the views of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson – which are almost always completely ignored – Marshall’s opinion is a central part of every casebook on constitutional law.
Today, virtually every “expert” on the constitution, every lawyer, every federal judge – they all hold this view as well.
The result hasn’t been good either.
Instead of a government limited to delegated powers, it’s now limited only by what they determine is “convenient.”
And no one should be surprised that this helped build the largest government in history.

Interesting that Necessary became Convenient and convenient is the vanilla version of legislation.  One drop of food coloring and vanilla can become any color in the rainbow.

Protect the Constitution

Lark ~ 10/04/2022

As if the Constitution did not already establish a very limited federal government, restrain Congress from what it can spend money on, define what sound money actually is, provide a way for voters to remove incumbent members of Congress at the ballot box, and enable individual states to nullify any unconstitutional federal action.

A  Convention of States by any other name, aka  Article V Convention, to quote Shakespeare ‘a rose by any other name…’ ANY Convention today would be a death knell to our present Constitution and likely would produce something more resembling U.N.  or  E.U.  Charter  – notice those entities did not use the word ‘constitution’ that is because a charter are governing rules to control people, not rules to limit government. 

Any Convention would enable delegates to propose wholesale changes to parts of or the whole Constitution. Claims Convention of States organization make otherwise, that there are ‘controls in place’ are similar to sleazy pickup lines made by a blind date.

Who will ‘select’ and ‘install’ delegates to any such Convention? The very same powers behind the curtain that are currently corrupting our elections, installing compromised incompetent compliant officials in our government, instituting the Green New Deal, Critical Race Theory and Social Emotional Learning curriculum, backing radical activist organizations like BLM and all the other insane social movements de-jure like 4th wave feminism. Those persons seeking power, profit, ‘prestige’ in the resulting reformed order.

Mark Meckler and his ‘academic’ cohorts of Convention of States organization, like Bernie Madoff did, are running a grand hoax, and making ‘big bank’ and using it to buy influence. They do not care to preserve or conserve this Republic and Americanist values and quality of life. Carpetbagging grifters comes to mind.

Good honest Americans are falling for the Hegelian Dialectic; Problem, Reaction, Solution. Good honest Americans would be better served by studying the Constitution, engaging with their representatives and pressuring them to stand by Article VI – stand by their oath to follow and protect the Constitution. ALL of the problems Americans are suffering – social, economic, immigration, property rights, crime – would be reversed and corrected by Secure Elections and Enforcing the Constitution


Term Limits, like censorship, is a concept born of deceitful, avaricious authoritarians for the sole purpose of telling others what to do, think, and say. Term limits will only create a permanent lame duck atmosphere in Congress.

Balanced Budget Amendment will most certainly result in higher taxation in order to meet increased spending. Taxation for non-essential government purposes is theft under color of law, plain and simple.When representatives tax our patience, that is a bridge too far.

It’s OK, because I say so!

Bruce 6/4/2022

I live in an area where its legal to be gay and smoke dope. It should not shock anyone that many places in the USA also share this delusion illusion. Why is this so?

Well both issues, while wildly dissimilar in nature, are actually very similar in reality! Since the 1960’s the world has been lied to about dope, and by dope, I mean ALL drugs that alter your conscious state to varying degrees. IF it were true that all they did was provide some kind of recreational entertainment, like playing tennis or swimming, I would be all for them.  However, the dark side and the dark truth is that ALL drugs harm the body and mind.  Whether its long-term problems that occur from smoking anything, or the near term of having teeth fall out and aging decades in a matter of years, or simply rotting the liver and brain, all drugs harm. The political left sees drugs as a tool to divert attention from their criminal acts because while you are high, you are quite incapable of thinking clearly and seeing through their drug provided smokescreen.

You might at this point begin to feel uneasy that I am also attacking homosexuality, which, of course, is just a “lifestyle choice”.  Well simply from a biological and health basis, the misuse of one’s sexual organs, just like the misuse of the body by drugs, results in a vast array of physical ailments, emotional dysphoria and mental anguish. The whole basis of wanting to be something that you were not born into is a psychological trauma, an issue that cannot be resolved by wearing certain clothes, or by surgery, makeup, or outright delusional acts. When you see the “happy couples” who clearly either look alike in manner, or have assumed the “opposite sex roles” that they identify with, you can sense that they are living in a world of their own creation.  Rather than accepting THEIR delusion, as opposed to REALITY, we need to understand that THEIR delusion is actually harmful, to them and to society in general. Societies, like Rome who adopted this mental gender fluidity began to decay as greater and greater irrational and emotional needs could not be fulfilled as they went against biological reality.

In the case of BOTH Drugs and Sexuality, there is an underlying need to push the envelope to try and succeed at the impossible.  People afflicted by this madness envision a utopia free from consequence, but the actual dystopian idea that there is no gender reality, nor harm from the use of drugs, is what they get. The mental defect of wanting to be accepted by everyone, regardless of our behavior, is typical of this mental derangement. In Psychology, it’s called Unconditional love or unconditional acceptance, it is the idea that ANYTHING we do is ok and that my delusion must become YOUR reality! This is clearly a defective mental state because in the real world, you may disagree with everything I say or do and that is OK, because differences or preferences are NOT something that must be resolved if we are to survive as individuals and not clones of a common androgenous pattern! There is a world of difference between preference and reality!

The folly of this pattern of THINKING is creating the consequences we see all around us, amorality, criminality, disrespect, inability to reason, the reliance on emotion rather than logic, in short, all signs of mental aberration being made into the norm.  The consequences of such widespread actions are clear, societal decay and collapse.  The scary part is that the enemies of the good, our common enemies, foreign and domestic are at the heart of pushing this platform for their own ends. Their goals are our collapse and decay, it is a story as old as time, weaken your opponent in every way in order to triumph.

WHO benefits?

Bruce 6/4/2022

In the analysis of crime, the primary question is, who benefits?  Using this approach, you can determine motivation and “Follow the money”, so listed below are a number of “who benefits issues” with some likely suspects.

If a Crypto-currency is established and no one knows who set it up, or who holds the money and where it goes, then is it ANY surprise that about One Billion dollars just went missing by Crypto-FRAUD? Well suppose that fraud was run by hackers from the CCP?  Possibly the same team that steered the last American election to their own “big guy” at the top. The same guy whose son is openly raking in millions from the SAME CCP party bosses overseas. So, while the crime profits are up, who benefits, not you!

Another obvious issue is who benefits from fear mongering a disease, seemingly spread within the “gay community” which has only infected 21 people in the USA so far. Well, if the Biden group of crooks is any indication, their recent order for MILLIONS of doses of Monkey-pox vaccine may be a clue as to who will benefit about the time of the next election. So, if there is yet another fear attack, who benefits, it isn’t you!

If the Congressional testimony from the CEO of Pilot/Flying J is any indication of the near-term future of diesel fuel and DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) we are in trouble. Deliveries of those products are being cut to their company by 50% and we should really be worried that America’s truck transport service is in real jeopardy.  Of course, who would do such an action?  Union Pacific would…why?  Could it be that the CEO of Union Pacific has a brother who is Joe Biden’s national security advisor?  Or that his daughter also works for the NSA? Now who benefits if one company can bankrupt another while one’s CEO brother is running yet another government agency?  Back in the past this was called RICCO racketeering, and it still is. So as diesel goes well above $5.00 a gallon everywhere, who benefits? Hint, it isn’t you!

The sick fantasy of gender perversion now has a 60+ year old man with stringy, bleached, hair wearing a dress while being in charge of your United States Health and Human Services Department. You have to wonder, why should you be forced to believe his delusion that he is a woman? The same Democrat party’s teachers tell kindergarteners in Massachusetts that a penis is not exclusive to men. You might believe that gender dysphoria is actually a mental dysphoria, meaning it is a mental disease, where all forms of reality are reversed. Who would benefit from removing absolutes like gender, good, bad, right or wrong? You certainly would not benefit!

If a province of Russia seceded about a decade ago from the country to which it was married for over 200 years and the USA came in to buoy it up with weapons and billions of your taxpayer dollars, who would that benefit? Imagine if Florida had seceded from the USA and was backed by China, how would you feel about that, welcome to Mr. Putin’s Ukraine world!  Would it matter that the Ukraine was being supported by Sean Penn, NWO Zelensky or George Soros? Would that benefit you, the USA taxpayer, forking out billions for yet more corruption?

Finally, if the current CWO (Corrupt World Order) was stealing power based on the fear of manipulated starvation, deprivation, war or disease, who would you want to cede power to? WHO will take more power from YOU?  Who benefits, not YOU!

Just another thing to worry about

From a trusted friend in the trucking industry.

Sent: Monday, May 30, 2022 6:53 PM


This is going to be next big issues Not just Diesel Peeps this will effect every aspect of everybody’s lives.

Do you know what DEF fluid is? It’s Diesel Exhaust Fluid. Every Diesel truck that has been made since 2010 is required to use it. It’s a product made of 67% Urea fertilizer and 33% distilled water. Every diesel truck you see driving down the road today has to have this product to drive. The engines won’t start without it. There are regulators inside the engine that mix DEF with the Diesel to reduce Diesel emissions. That’s the purpose of DEF.

Right now, Russia is the largest exporter of Urea by a wide margin. Qatar is second. Egypt and China are Tied for 3rd. Both Russia and China have decided to no longer export Urea. On top of that, India is the largest manufacturer of Urea in the world even though they consume most of what they make. What little they would export……….they no longer do. They are now stopping the exportation of any and all Urea minus a deal they just cut with Sri Lanka.

What does this mean for you and me? Well, first, the United States imports most of it’s Urea fertilizer. We are the third largest importer in the entire world. We depend on other countries to eat, drive and ship our products.

Secondly… Flying J is the largest Service provider for Truckers around the Unites States. I’m sure you’ve seen their massive gas stations when traveling around the country. Flying J gets 70% of their DEF fluid from shipments via Union Pacific railroad. UP has single user access to the Fertilizer plants that Urea/DEF fluid comes from. No other rail provider has access to these distribution points. This means Flying J can’t just go around Union Pacific. Union Pacific is in charge….for a reason I’m gonna mention in a few paragraphs.

Flying J provides 30% of all DEF consumed in the United States. UP has told Flying J to reduce their shipments by a whopping 50%. And if they do not comply then they will be completely embargoed. That would in effect bankrupt FJ. This means that 15% of all DEF consumed by truckers in the US is no longer available at the largest travel service center for the entire trucking industry.

Rome rotted from the inside out. It was easily invaded because it was occupied with internal problems. It appears we have discovered the Trigger. DEF fluid. If this holds up, DEF shortages will be the catalyst that causes food shortages in the coming months. Not only is there a shortage of fertilizer to grow crops in drought-stricken states (See Kansas’ drop in wheat production for 2022)….but….now it looks like, unless the Federal Government intervenes via the Defense Production Act, …which I am no longer confident they will….there is gonna be an absolute massive shortage of trucking in the coming months.

There simply isn’t going to be DEF fluid sufficient to keep the engines running and moving. Home Depot is now limiting the amount of DEF you can buy in their stores.

I would think long and hard about the decisions you are making right now. Where you live. What you spend money on. How you prepare. This is so real that the CEO of Flying J, Shameek Konar was summoned to a Surface Transportation Board hearing to give them all this info.

From what I’m reading…. Blackrock is the majority shareholder of Union Pacific railroad. How is that important? Americas biggest fertilizer producer is CF Industries. Their largest shareholder is Blackrock. Blackrock controls the fertilizer industry in the U.S.. Union Pacific has exclusive rights to distribution points of fertilizer. Urea is fertilizer. Flying J needs Urea/DEF. Blackrock is controlling everything.

The Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute is Tom Donilon, President Obama’s former National Security Advisor. Tom Donilon’s brother, Mike Donilon is a Senior Advisor to Joe Biden. Tom Donilon’s wife, Catherine Russell, is the White House Personnel Director. Tom Donilon’s daughter, Sarah Donilon, who graduated college in 2019, now works on the White House National Security Council.

It appears Blackrock is spearheading the dismantling of the US system on behalf of the Globalists. And the first domino they are pushing over is the energy sector. They are using DEF to get the party started.