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Comments on Juneteenth on June 20, 2024


Now we have yet another Federal Holiday dedicated to black people, can I say, “black,” or is “negro, (meaning black), is that too strong as well? Perhaps, the PC term, “people of color” works for you and them, as if white is not a color as well? Anyway, I digress.

In addition to Martin Luther King Day, we now have another “black Holiday” in which hundreds of millions of dollars are lost by paying Federal employees to, instead of working, to indulge in barbecues and shopping. This Holiday is also according to a historian quoted in Wikipedia as a time to “celebrate, educate and agitate” as well as increase “voter registration.” I wonder for which party, as if I did not know? No, instead of focusing on the racist elements of a “black only day,” let us look at the history behind the new “Holiday.”

The original event was the declaration by poster that the slaves within the western district of Texas were no longer slaves as of June 19th 1866.  While this is all well and good we must also consider that the formal surrender of Confederate troops west of the Mississippi in Texas (Trans-Mississippi war zone), only occurred on June 2nd of that year, months after the Confederacy surrendered in the East. So, when a DEMOCRAT general (Gordon Granger) went to Texas, he simply posted bills in the towns explaining the emancipation now applied to Texas.  Of course, being a Democrat, he made no public announcements, did not have a Barbecue or party, he just posted the bills so that the largely illiterate slave population could read them. As a side note, other than graduating 35th out of 41 cadets at West point, in the year 1866 he was also removed from his Brevet Two Star General position and demoted to Colonel, this being just one year after the war.  Post war he actively worked for Andrew Johnson, an old-line Democrat President where his was influential in suggesting and implementing “political appointments.”

During the war he did have great success as a General, probably following his quote at the battle of    Chickamauga when he told an aide that he could reinforce a position with,” My men… are raw troops and don’t know any better than to charge up there,” this comment showing his depth of compassion for human life while enhancing his own career and glory.  Well so much for a historical review, what about today?

Other than the idea that we must have another racial holiday, the very term Juneteenth is an affront to the English language.  The replacing of normal English with slang, contractions, or other embellishments of ignorance is just the icing on the cake.  In addition, it is also called by the left the second Independence Day, thus nullifying the REPUBLICAN, Abraham Lincoln’s emancipation proclamation made in 1863, a document paid for with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans, from both the North and South. In this act, the left has subverted real history and those responsible for it and replaced them with a Democrat General who did nothing more than post some bills in black communities.  This rewriting of history is to be expected from a dictatorship that has used race baiting as a primary tool to power. So, when you celebrate Civil War Day, which does not exist, as it proves the intent of a Republican President to stand for everyone’s freedom and compare it to an illiterate, political holiday, described in slang, just consider that this Democrat racism extends well beyond a single day and is the process of re-writing of history for political gain.

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